Risks and Rewards of Investing in Beaufort Real Estate

Risks and Rewards of Investing in Beaufort Real Estate - Article Banner

If you’re thinking about investing in Beaufort real estate, you’ve likely done some research into the market, and you see that there are opportunities here. Maybe you’re a local investor who has been considering an investment home for some time, or perhaps you’re an investor from outside of the area who wants to diversify a…

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Beaufort County Rental Market Update – December 2023

Welcome back, fellow rental enthusiasts! As we delve into the vibrant landscape of Beaufort County’s rental market, it’s time to unpack the trends, insights, and updates that shape our local rental sphere. Market Overview According to realtor.com, Beaufort County has witnessed an average of 69 days on the market for rental properties. However, Beaufort Rentals…

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Beaufort County Rental Market Report – November 2023

Welcome back, dear readers, to our monthly exploration of the vibrant Beaufort County rental market. As we step into November 2023, it’s time to delve into the latest trends, statistics, and insights that define the local rental landscape. Days on Market: A Tale of Resilience According to realtor.com, the average days on market for Beaufort…

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What Should Be Included in a South Carolina Lease Agreement?

What Should Be Included in a South Carolina Lease Agreement? - Article Banner

Your lease agreement is designed to protect your investment property, your rights as a landlord, and even your tenant’s rights. It also sets forth all the expectations you have for the tenancy and the responsibilities that fall to both you and your resident.  Lease agreements should be customized to reflect the needs of your property,…

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Who is Responsible for Repairs at My Beaufort Rental Property?

Who is Responsible for Repairs at My Beaufort Rental Property? - Article Banner

When a repair or a replacement is needed at your Beaufort rental property, who is responsible for paying?  Typically, it’s the landlord. However, there are plenty of cases where you can expect your tenants to be responsible for the work.  The lease agreement and the understanding of expectations and responsibilities is especially critical. You want…

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Beaufort County Rental Market Update – October 2023

Welcome back to our monthly Beaufort County Rental Market update! As the trusted Property Management Advisor at Beaufort Rentals, I’m here to keep you informed about the latest trends in our local rental market. Let’s dive into the numbers and see how the market has been shaping up. According to realtor.com, Beaufort County has an…

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Who is Responsible for Landscaping My Beaufort Rental Property?

Who is Responsible for Landscaping My Beaufort Rental Property? - Article Banner

Well-landscaped homes are attractive. With the right lawn care, you’ll create curb appeal and keep your property looking attractive and maintained. No one is impressed by overgrown grass or tree branches falling onto the roof of a property.   When you rent out a Beaufort property, you need to decide how it will be landscaped.  It’s…

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Beaufort County Rental Market Trends – September 2023

Welcome back to the Beaufort Rentals monthly blog, where we keep you informed about the latest rental market trends in beautiful Beaufort County, South Carolina. As your trusted property management advisors, we are committed to providing you with valuable insights to help you navigate the ever-changing rental landscape. In this edition, we’ll delve into the…

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First Steps to Take as an Accidental Landlord in Beaufort, SC

First Steps to Take as an Accidental Landlord in Beaufort, SC - Article Banner

In the Beaufort, SC rental market, there are a number of intentional real estate investors. These are property owners who go out and look for rental properties they can purchase and lease to tenants. Accidental landlords are a little different. This type of property owner find themselves with a rental property that they didn’t plan…

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Beaufort Rentals: Market Insights

Beaufort Rentals Market Analysis: August 2023 Hello, dear readers! As we bid farewell to the summer months, it’s time to dive into the latest rental market trends in Beaufort County. Whether you’re a property owner, tenant, or just someone interested in the local real estate scene, our monthly analysis will provide you with the insights…

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